[nycphp-talk] MySQL Presentation

Hans Zaunere lists at
Wed Mar 15 17:33:59 EST 2006

Hi Jon,

Jon Baer wrote on Wednesday, March 15, 2006 2:26 PM:
> Hans -
> Will there be an audiocast/vidcast/podcast/archive of this?

Not too sure - I'd guess no, but you'd have to contact Unigroup to be sure.

> Also, does anyone attend the MySQL meetups in NY?  I noticed they
> meetup at a "roadhouse" (bar?), im just wondering if its actual talks/

Yeah, it's a bar.

> presentations or just a get together, the Boston UG vids on Google
> are super informative ...

Sometimes... I used to organize it but have handed it over to Philip, who's
an SE at MySQL.  He's a good guy...

Hans Zaunere / President / New York PHP  /

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