[nycphp-talk] PHP 5's Importance to Web Developers

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Thu Mar 16 13:53:58 EST 2006

I think you will find yourself @ a point where your toolset will make  
you "move on" ... I think MySQL is suffering from the same ideals,  
the major problems I see are finding the time to adjust to a)  
learning b) setting it up ...

A good example is the new S3 Amazon storage ... 

You can notice @ the bottom people requesting <= PHP4 usage :-\

- Jon

On Mar 15, 2006, at 10:22 PM, Anthony Papillion wrote:

> Hello Everyone,
> I've been using PHP 4 and am very comfortable with it. I've developed
> several major products in 4 and they work very well and are stable.
> Lately, I've had a few clients ask me about PHP 5 and if they should
> migrate over to it because it's the latest and greatest. I've always
> told them no because of the "if it ain't broke, don't fix it" rule.
> But lately, I've been wondering about switching myself.
> Is it advantageous for me, as a web developer, to begin switching my
> projects over to PHP 5 and OOP even if the old way is working fine?
> I'm not seeing too many jobs that require 5 knowledge and I notice
> that a mass migration of hosting providers to PHP 5 has yet to happen.
> What does everyone think? Is learning and switching over to 5 now
> worthwhile or should I wait until it's been more fully adopted by the
> community?
> Thanks!
> Anthony Papillion
> Advanced Data Concepts
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