[nycphp-talk] passing variables between two phps iwithout opening a new window in the browser

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at
Tue Mar 21 16:45:21 EST 2006

At 04:16 PM 3/21/2006, jlesidt wrote:
>    I have the file one.php (opened in a browser) with
>a link to the page two.php. This is basically a lookup
>php which retreives ID for my one.php. two.php has
>some checkboxes for ID. The checked value is being
>passed onto one.php. but this opens a new one.php
>instead of passing it to the already opened window of
>one.php. How can I prevent a new one.php being opened?

PHP doesn't know or care about browser windows. It is the browser 
that is interpreting the HTML that the PHP script sends as to what to do.

What do you mean by a new window?

Please post some code showing us how scripts one & two are linked and 
pass information.


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