[nycphp-talk] passing variables between two phps iwithout opening a new window in the browser

Ken Robinson kenrbnsn at
Tue Mar 21 16:56:18 EST 2006

At 04:50 PM 3/21/2006, jlesidt wrote:
>By new window, I mean it is not passing the values
>from two.php to the already opened (parent) one.php,
>but opening a new one.php with the selected values.

Since PHP runs on the server, each time the script is invoked it is a 
new process. There is no continuity between runs of the scripts 
unless you provide some via sessions or cookies or some other method 
of saying "I've been here before".

By the time script two runs, the original script one is no longer 
running, so it can't be returned to.


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