[nycphp-talk] Word; TinyMCE; FF on Mac

csnyder chsnyder at
Fri Mar 24 16:53:04 EST 2006

On 3/24/06, Jeff Siegel <jeffmailings99 at> wrote:
> [Not sure if this got posted so...I'm resending to the "list." - Jeff]
> Well...someone's lying because it doesn't work.
> My client tried this two different ways.
> 1. Using Word and FF on a Mac, when he did the copy/paste, none of the
> formatting was retained (except for paragraph breaks).
> 2. When using Safari instead of FF, it seemed to take the formatting but on
> submitting the dropped all of the information (which is in the
> form's textarea) so that the PHP script sees a completely empty field.
> Perhaps there is something in the TinyMCE JavaScript that needs to be
> removed?
> Jeff

TinyMCE was working with Safari? That sounds like a lie...
I guess that's not a very helpful answer, though.

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