[nycphp-talk] [OT] Re: The New York PHP Meetup Group SPAM

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Fri Mar 31 14:59:22 EST 2006

Beau Gould |nyphp dev/internal group 
use| wrote:

>Join the New York PHP Meetup Group 
>Thank you,
>Beau J. Gould
Hey now that's a positive first impression!  Spam the talk list with 
your recruiter ad (slightly edited):

"My name is Beau Gould and I'm a recruiter specializing in open source 
staffing. I've got a trillion tri-state clients begging me for skilled 
PHP/MySQL Developers and I thought this would be a good way to attract 
good candidates. Since I am not local to NYC (anymore) I was hoping to 
find someone to take care of organizing the meetups. Anyone interested 
can email beaudiddly at In the meantime, please 
feel free to check out the message board for my current tri-state 

What's the commission for "someone to take care of organizing the 
meetups"? lol

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