[nycphp-talk] Unfriendly Float Handling

Michael Sims jellicle at
Fri Mar 31 19:15:49 EST 2006

On Friday 31 March 2006 19:03, csnyder wrote:

> You definitely need to have a bag of tricks when you start dealing
> with monetary values (or other floats) in php. I felt exactly the same
> frustration the first time I crossed over from content management into
> commerce: four years of writing php code and I had never used
> number_format().
> Are there any good articles or tipsheets out there on working with
> money in php? If not, maybe there should be a Financial Phundamentals
> to help get other developers up to speed on the best practices for
> being arbitrarily precise.

Banks just handle monetary values to 4 or 6 decimal places.  If you 
manipulate values as "49.9500", it doesn't matter what you do to it, it 
will come out correct to the cent.

Michael Sims

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