[nycphp-talk] MySQL 4 vs. 5 and character encoding (?)

Rahmin Pavlovic rahmin at
Tue May 9 12:46:12 EDT 2006

Having a hard time figuring this one out..

We moved a large data store from MySQL 5.0.2-alpha to MySQL 4.1.12

All the high-bit chars -- which were stored fine in MySQL 5 -- are being
mangled in MySQL 4.  So, for example, if an editor pastes text from MS Word
or another language, instead of storing the actual characters I get a bunch
of gobbeldy-gook.

(Unfortunately, 5 isn't up anymore, so I can't compare collation.)

Does anyone have any insight as to what may be going on?  (I had routines
all up and running to clean high-bit chars that are now choking on their
mangled equiv.)

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