[nycphp-talk] PHP shopping cart solutions

Marc Antony Vose suzerain at
Thu May 25 20:28:32 EDT 2006

Hi there y'all:

I'm a developer who works within his own publishing framework.  I 
have developed a few e-commerce sites in the past, but I have one 
upcoming that might benefit from some kind of drop-in solution.

So, I am researching what is available.

I was wondering if anyone had used a good solution that provides a 
bunch of nice things, but without screwing up an existing publishing 
framework.  I'm thinking of things like handling ordering, and so 
forth, but then also providing reporting.  The kind of thing I would 
have to code on my own.

The thing is, I don't desire to have some PHP store thing take over 
the rest of our project; the site is more than just a store, and we 
don't want constraints on the rest of our site with respect to 
templating, etc.

Reasonable request?


Marc Antony Vose

Imagination is more important than knowledge.
-- Albert Einstein

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