[nycphp-talk] So who's using Ajax anway?

Dell Sala dell at
Thu Nov 9 12:33:48 EST 2006

One excellent free AJAX resource is Michael Mahemoff's  
podcast. He also has a companion website goes along with his book (although it seems to be down right now).

Start here: and work your  
way forward from there.

Once you understand the fundamentals, find a simple framework to help  
you get started. I like MyBic. It's  
pretty lightweight, but has some nice extra features like a built-in  
debugger, and default behavior for gracefully handling network-down  
issues and things like that.

What other AJAX frameworks are people using? Ken, I know you've  
rolled your own that looks super-lean. I'd like to try that. I've  
tried PEAR's HTML_AXAJ, but found it overkill.

-- Dell

On Nov 9, 2006, at 11:38 AM, Ben Sgro (sk) wrote:

> So, I'd like to look into Ajax.
> Any good books you can recommend? I know PHP pretty well, but I  
> dont have
> much experiance w/Javascript, or Java (but I know c pretty well).
> - Ben

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