[nycphp-talk] PHP Development on the Road (More Advice Needed)

Brian Dailey support at
Thu Nov 16 08:59:10 EST 2006

I'm originally from Tennessee. Where I lived, broadband was unavailable. 
Dialup was painfully slow, so I ended up using Verizon's wireless 
network as my primary connection (while at home). I have found it to be 
great to use, but I've also heard some horror stories about 
nightmarishly large cell phone bills (they advertise it as "unlimited", 
but it's not - I think 5GB is the magic number).

The connection was slower in the country (but faster than dialup, 
generally speaking) but in medium to large cities it was lightning fast 
on an available EVDO connection.

Even in the countryside I was able to (telnet|ssh|ftp) without any real 

I wouldn't recommend it for constantly-on connections, but for basic 
administration, ssh, vnc, what-have-you, it works in a pinch.

By the way, I learned the hard way it's cheaper to get access through a 
PC card (60/month) than a cell phone (80/month).

Peter Sawczynec wrote:
> RE: Employing wireless broadband internet for PHP web dev or
> server management on the road (via laptop or PDA)?
> a) Have you ever used Verizon Wireless Broadband (or similar)
> for internet access (via your laptop or PDA) throughout a
> major city metro area or even around the country?
> b) If yes, do you find availability very high?
> c) Download/upload speeds satisfactory?
> Any of your experience(s)/insight(s) would be invaluable.
> Warmest regards,
> Peter Sawczynec
> Technology Director
> PSWebcode
> _Design & Interface
> _Ecommerce
> _Database Management
> 646.316.3678
> ps at <mailto:ps at> 
> <>
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