[nycphp-talk] OT - Recommendatons for MySQL books?

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Mon Oct 2 09:39:28 EDT 2006


I'd like to invest in a book that focuses entirely on MySQL.  I have one 
book that looks at PHP/MySQL but I feel that there is a lot that I am 

My experience level/goals:
I'd like to learn about database design and the features of MySQL.  I've 
been programming with PHP for about four years and working with MySQL 
for the same amount of time.  While my PHP skills have been growing I 
feel that my database skills have remained pretty flat.

For example, relational database design, primary keys, indexing, etc. 
are all terms that I have varying degrees of familiarity with but I 
would like to learn much more about them.  There are some times that I 
am solving a problem with PHP and wondering if it would be more 
efficient if I used a feature in MySQL instead.

I'd be interested in a book that has a chapter on database security as well.

Would appreciate any recommendations.  Thanks!


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