[nycphp-talk] PECL extension how to question

Timothy Boyden tboyden at
Wed Oct 4 12:49:49 EDT 2006

Hi everyone,
I'm attempting to re-code the following example in a PHP equivalent way:
Basically it is a code example from the Java based iText PDF
manipulation library.
My final code will be limited by the scripting technology made available
by our Network Solutions hosting package.
Thus I am attempting to use a compiled PHP class of the iText library
created with the PHP-Java-Bridge extension as detailed here:
My setup seems to be working properly as the test examples for the
PHP-Java-Bridge work correctly. So I have begun to step into the
programming problem and am stuck on how to replicate the Java
HttpRequest and HttpResponse mechanisms in a PHP way. My first thoughts
were to do this using the PECL HTTP extension and use the HttpRequest
and HttpResponse classes, however I've never coded in an object-oriented
fashion and can't seem to figure out how to use the PECL HTTP extension.
But perhaps I'm going in the wrong direction with how to approach this?
Any suggestions would be welcome and greatly appreciated.
Tim Boyden
Timothy Boyden 
Network Administrator 
tboyden at 
SuperCoups(r) | 350 Revolutionary Drive | E. Taunton, MA 02718 
508-977-2034  | <outbind://5/>  
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