[nycphp-talk] mod_rewrite -- what's the big deal?

David Krings ramons at
Fri Oct 6 18:10:09 EDT 2006

At 04:56 PM 10/6/2006, you wrote:
>Sure, but I'm really a publisher and semiconductor sales, marketing, biz
>dev. and analyst guy. And I lick stamps, take out the garbage and burn
>toast. How many hats do I have to wear!

The one of the Apache admin. I feel your pain. I have three degrees, tons 
of experience, am fluent in two languages, and collected skills in tech 
support, programming, technical writing, SQL, HTML, PHP,.....ok, enough 
bragging. As soon as I look for a better job, it all isn't enough, because 
I can't do Java, or C# or something else not on my list. You never wear 
enough hats.

Besides that, when you can figure out semiconductors, then Apache is a 
piece of cake...well, in regards to complexity. I find the apache config 
file easier to grasp than IIS's admin GUI. Even I figured it out and I 
really hate ini files and programming and stuff like that....not enough 
hats, you know.


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