[nycphp-talk] Running backtick commands and responding to stdout/in

Dan Cech dcech at
Mon Oct 9 22:00:49 EDT 2006

Ben Sgro (sk) wrote:
> Hey all,
> I am attempting to run ssh (w/out the ssh2 module) by backticking commands 
> from the command line.
> $result = `ssh -l $userStr $hostStr`;
> This line causes the script to display the enter password and php seems to 
> let it go right to stdin/console.
> Is there any way for php to catch this (since I know its comming) and enter 
> the password?

You can do this a few different ways, but probably the most
straightforward is to use proc_open (

This lets you define file descriptors for stdin, stdout and stderr so
you can do some pretty complex interaction with external programs.


> Or must I install the ssh2 module and call ssh2_connect( )?
> Thanks!
> - Ben 

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