[nycphp-talk] PHP Design Patterns - en? (Oreilly)

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Thu Oct 12 11:54:20 EDT 2006

Morgan Craft wrote:
> hhmm an O'reilly book on php design patterns probably a good read. If 
> you are looking for a 'php patterns' book now and don't want to wait for 
> a translation I recommend:
> Great overview of php 5 language constructs, uml, and various design 
> patterns with great examples ( several based on Sid Mier's 
> Civilization). Haven't read the pattern book from PHP | Architect so 
> can't comment on it.

Great! - I just bought this book before reading your message so that's 
good to know. I also bought O'Reilly's "Head First" patterns book and 
"AJAX and PHP"  (


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