[nycphp-talk] Tonight: bring wireless, smartphone, get account

Kenneth Downs ken at
Tue Oct 24 09:22:24 EDT 2006

For tonight's demo of Andromeda, we will have a wireless router and you 
will be able to connect into the demo apps if you have a wireless adapter.

One of our demos, a time tracker, works much better if you have a login 
account.  If you want to get an account just email the list with a 
desired userid before 3:30pm and we'll have the account created when the 
show begins. 
Or you can get to the show early, and we will be creating accounts from 
6:15pm - 6:30pm.

Also, we will be demonstrating *very* limited smartphone stuff if time 
permits.  If you have a wi-fi enabled smartphone bring that along too 
and you can see a thing or two.
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