[nycphp-talk] Processing, please wait logic flow question

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Tue Oct 31 08:57:03 EST 2006

Interesting. This seems like a great idea for uploads. But isn't the
"please wait, thinking" situation different. And how do you know when to
use "please wait, thinking," If Ticketmaster or Sabre knows it will take
30 seconds to process a request, that's one thing. But theoretically,
all requests are instantaneous until there not. Which mean you have to
monitor requests or, more likely, know that an external call, like a
request to a credit card gateway, will take a while.

I still like the idea of Dell's output buffering. Seems to me you can
spit out a "processing" page by flushing the output buffer and then
issue a redirect when the script is complete.

-----Original Message-----
From: talk-bounces at [mailto:talk-bounces at]
On Behalf Of inforequest

> Many web sites display a "processing please wait" page after 
> submitting an order, request, etc. and then display the final 
> confirmation page when it's available.
> I'm confused by how that works. Does the server-side script spit out a

> "processing" page by flushing the output buffer and then redirect when

> the script is completed? Or does the client-side JavaScript display 
> the "processing" page while the server script goes about its business?
> Cliff

I saw everything I wanted to know about this over on Joe's blog:

-=john andrews

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