[nycphp-talk] [OT] live slide-show delivery via browser only

Tom Melendez tom at
Tue Oct 31 14:36:14 EST 2006

Hi Allen,

It really sounds like you are looking for an alternative (albeit
stripped down) version of webex.  Some Googling brought this up:

Can't speak for it and can't even say I made it past the first page,
but from the description it sounds promising.  And free.

Let us know how you make out solving this problem.


On 10/31/06, Kenneth Downs <ken at> wrote:
> Allen Shaw wrote:
> > Hi Chris,
> >
> > Yes, I had seen S5 before and thought it a pretty nifty setup.  But does
> > it allow the operator to control page-advance in real time?  The idea is
> > that if you're having a meeting with one or more remote viewers, you
> > could discuss by phone while showing them one slide at a time, at your
> > discretion.
> >
> The nice thing about AJAX is the first "A", "Asynchronous".
> How much trouble would we cause if a page's onload event called an AJAX
> function called "getNextSlide()".  Upon receiving the request, the
> server could sleep until a new slide is loaded (or sleep for 2 seconds
> and check, sleep for 2 seconds and check, etc.).
> Once a new slide is loaded the server finally sends a slide back to the
> browser.  The AJAX on the browser activates the slide and then calls
> getNextSlide() again, re-starting the loop.
> As always, the balance is between responsiveness and drag.  You can get
> away with this for a few users, but having a lot of open connections
> checking something over and over will die fast at high volume.
> > - Allen
> >
> > Christopher R. Merlo wrote:
> >
> >
> >> I once saw a very nice slide show presented using S5:
> >>
> >> -c
> >>
> >>
> >>
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