[nycphp-talk] PHP IDE for Linux

Jon Baer jonbaer at
Sat Sep 16 10:40:51 EDT 2006

Try Komodo ....

On Sep 16, 2006, at 9:02 AM, David Krings wrote:

> Hi,
> 	does anyone have a good recommendation for a PHP IDE for Linux? On  
> Windope
> I use EnginSite PHP Editor, which is an awesome deal for the price  
> although
> it could use a better implementation of the debugger. I want some PHP
> geared IDE that has some basic project handling and is easily  
> linked to the
> Apachefriends XAMPP or comes with its own built-in server (like the
> EnginSite editor). The debugger capabilities should allow for  
> running an
> entire set of scripts in debug mode and offer the capabilities of  
> break
> points and watches.
> 	I looked at xored's Eclipse based system and since I can't figure  
> anything
> out it strikes me as not very intuitive, maybe it requires more  
> studies
> than the basic manual. Also, it doesn't have to be for free, but also
> should not be as expensive as Zend.
> 	Any pointers are greatly appreciated,
> 			David
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