[nycphp-talk] About Human Readable Variable Names Moving Among PHP, HTML and MySQL

David Krings ramons at
Thu Sep 28 11:11:26 EDT 2006

At 09:03 AM 9/28/2006, you wrote:
> > I canät tell you how often I borked my
> > script by just leaving out an e or an s in a variable name.
>I have this same problem.  One thing I have found to help is using an
>auto-complete feature in my text editor.  Not only has it saved me
>typing time, but also I don't spend as much time debugging, only to
>find I misspelled some huge variable name.  I know jEdit has auto-
>complete, probably Eclipse, too...

I use Enginsite PHP Editor, which has a hint function upon pressing Control 
+ Space. A real autocomplete would be much nicer, but that is asking a bit 
too much for a PHP IDE under 100$. I tried the Eclipse based PHP IDEs and I 
somehow don't like it. It is really obvious that Eclipse wasn't designed 
with PHP in mind. I like Zend, but that is by far too expensive for hobby least for me. 

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