[nycphp-talk] Loading array from file

Graham Hagger g.hagger at
Wed Apr 4 11:02:15 EDT 2007


I recently had to do some work with our companies meeting room booking
system, which was originally based on the open source PHP based MRBS
project that's out there somewhere.

For their internationalization they had used separate include files for
each language, with the correct one being included at runtime based on
the users language.

Each of the language files basically just built the same associative
array but with the correct translations for that language.  The required
language file does get read with every page load, but this seems to take
no time whatsoever.

Hope this helps... it is my first post to this list :)


David Krings wrote:
> Hi!
> Working on my internationalization project I am now ready to load the
> contents of a string file into an array and use the strings. Now, I
> have to ideas when to do this:
> a) run this on load of every page with output
> b) run it once on the start page and store the array in the session
> Does anyone have any experience with doing one or the other (or both)?
> I wonder which way is the faster / more robust.
> My guess is that after I'm done the string file will have several
> hundred entries.
> Thanks in advance.
> David
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