[nycphp-talk] IPC Problems

Dan Cech dcech at
Thu Apr 19 15:50:34 EDT 2007

Ben Sgro (ProjectSkyline) wrote:
> Hi All, 
> I'm trying to write a script, that forks children to each run a job, provided by
> the parent in the form of a job_id, passed by IPC msg_send( ).
> Now, when I run the job, I get some problems w/the DB loosing the connection.
> I also have problems w/the job_id that's get passed ..sometimes, somehow, its the
> PID...I dont get it.
> It seems like the IPC is all over the place ... I've included the output from the script,
> the database tables, and the source of the script.
> Any help is greatly appreaciated. I've read the pcntl_and msg- (IPC) stuff over and over.

It sounds like you might be making this more complicated than it needs
to be.

> What the goal is:
> 1) Parent, selects the next job to run.
> 2) Marks job as active =1, stores the PID
> 3) Forks off a child to run this (job_id passed to child via msg_send( ))

The child can read the job_id from a variable set in the parent before
the fork, why not just do this?

> 4) Child runs, finishes job and marks as active = 0, incremenents run count, tells parent to kill them

Why does the child need the parent to kill them?  A call to exit() at
the end of the child section should do the trick just fine.

> 5) Rinse lather repeat

Hope this helps,


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