[nycphp-talk] Many pages: one script

inforequest 1j0lkq002 at
Mon Aug 6 21:54:04 EDT 2007

Rob Marscher |nyphp dev/internal group 
use| wrote:

> On Aug 6, 2007, at 7:28 PM, inforequest wrote:
>> For me (a search engine optimizer) the core questions come later...  
>> how does that MVC front controller handle "exceptions" like:
>> /news/2007 (missing params) -> should 301 to default URL like /news/ 
>> 2007/01/01/ or throw a 404
> Unless you have a separate virtual resource that shows an archive of  
> news for 2007 and not the january 1 entries, right?
>> /news/2007/07/07 (no trailing slash) -> 301 to trailing slash  
>> version /news/2007/07/07/
> John, how important is this?  I think a former discussion on the list  
> mentioned that most search engines are ok with the trailing slash vs.  
> no trailing slash going to the same resource.
> Thanks a lot,
> Rob
If you are consistent on your site, so you always use trailing slash or 
not, Google says it will handle things properly.

But what if you have great indexing on /news/, and people linking to you 
on /news/, but /news returns the same content? Now what if I link to 
/news from a high power web site. Will Google decide to "value" the 
/news over the /news/ version? Will it drop the "duplicate" at /news/ 
even though it has your backlinks?

Another consideration - what if half the world links to your /news/ and 
the other half to /news. Is your incoming "link juice" being split 
across the two unique URLs? Would you benefit more if the /news was a 
301 redirect to /news/ (where a 301 redirect is followed by Google, 
including the flow of link juice?)

I believe it is best to leave these matters up to the webmaster, not the 
webmaster's competitors nor the Google engineers.


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