[nycphp-talk] Good Font Size Control

Michael B Allen ioplex at
Wed Aug 8 23:05:21 EDT 2007

On 8/8/07, Tom Sartain <tomsartain at> wrote:
> As far as the AAA controls, the easiest way I've seen to do this is to
> have alternate style sheets for each font size, then use javascript to
> switch between them. I'm hoping you have a few sites to refer to and
> figure out the logistics of it all, but that's the basic concept.

Changing the font-size of the body has no effect on text within td
elements. Changing the font-size on td elements has no effect on form
input elements like buttons. Etc, etc, etc. This problem can't be
*that* hard. Is there really no better way to control font-size of all
page elements simultaneously?


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