[nycphp-talk] UPS Shipping Calculator

Mark Armendariz lists at
Mon Aug 20 16:05:15 EDT 2007

Timothy Boyden wrote:
> while the
> second example - though ultimately helpful if you choose to pay for the
> articles - is nothing more than an advertising plug that only benefits
> the magazine.
I do agree that the post was a plug, but a helpful plug that aided you 
in solving your problem.  As a list full of mature professionals, it's 
generally assumed that a commercial resource for information will cost 
money.  Disclaimers aren't specifically needed.  Especially considering 
a great deal of the contributors to the popular and, as proven, helpful 
php publications are regulars here.

You were in no way forced to cough up the cash.  You could have come 
back here and asked the community if any other resources were 
available.  You could have done more research, including checking the 
open source applications available like oscommerce and phpshop.  You 
could have read the thorough UPS tracking / rating specs, which are 
fairly thorough, and come up with your own library, but instead, 
accepted information from a commercial resource and then came to 
complain about having to pay for it, which is fairly useless to the rest 
of us.


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