[nycphp-talk] Two part question: Shopping carts & E-commerce

Ajai Khattri ajai at
Fri Aug 31 11:37:28 EDT 2007

On Fri, 31 Aug 2007, Ben Sgro \(ProjectSkyLine\) wrote:

> After speaking with the client about their needs, this is what I gathered:
> They are using the Royal Bank of Scotland, and the bank recommened
> they use MIVA. They want to the transactions to go through their bank
> as to keep their records all in one place.
> So, what is the next step I need to do? What additional information
> should I gather from the client?

What is the product that's being sold?

Does it ship worldwide? How complicated is there shipping methods and 
rates? What about sales tax / VAT? Does it need to support special 
promotions and/or coupons?

Do they expect to manage products through a back-end application? What 
sort of features should that have? Any content management needed? 
Categories? News pages?

Yeah, e-commcerce is not so simple...


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