[nycphp-talk] Two part question: Shopping carts & E-commerce

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Fri Aug 31 22:38:02 EDT 2007

On Aug 31, 2007, at 10:43 AM, Ben Sgro ((ProjectSkyLine)) wrote:
> After speaking with the client about their needs, this is what I  
> gathered:
> They are using the Royal Bank of Scotland, and the bank recommened
> they use MIVA. They want to the transactions to go through their bank
> as to keep their records all in one place.

MIVA is an e-commerce application.  They'd have to buy it if they  
want to use it and then you'd have to figure out how to set it up on  
the web server and configure it.  They are books available on MIVA (I  
had a site a long time ago that an install of it setup by our hosting  
company for like $10 a month).

In order to enable online transactions, MIVA needs to be configured  
to connect to a "merchant account" with a bank.  It looks like from  
your statement that their merchant account is with Royal Bank of  

MIVA manages inventory and provides a pretty detailed admin interface  
to configure how all the pages are displayed and do some nice  
features like spotlight certain products, have special sales, etc.   
You'll probably just have to created a wrapper html template that it  
sits inside to integrate it with the rest of the site.

Assuming they have the money, I would recommend just buying whatever  
the bank recommends because it will probably end up being the least  
headache and would have the fastest turnaround time.

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