[nycphp-talk] Help with a self:: ish problem

Daniel Convissor danielc at
Thu Dec 6 10:40:01 EST 2007


On Thu, Dec 06, 2007 at 10:29:09AM -0500, Rick Retzko wrote:
> Hi Cliff - Thanks.  Maybe I'm using the wrong implementation here.   My
> design is that $this->_aData['action'] could resolve to an 'update',
> 'insert' or 'delete' request and thus be directed to the appropriate
> function.  I didn't want to use a literal, but have the decision made by the
> calling routine.

What Cliff was trying to explain was you wrote the class' update() method 
to be called from an instantiated object, using the "->" syntax.  But 
you're calling it as a static method via the "::" syntax.  You need to 
pick one way or the other and carry it through the whole implementation.

Static and :: are covered here:

Read up on the whole OOP deal here:


... snip ...

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