[nycphp-talk] MySQL/Flash/Apostrophe issue

Gary Mort bz-gmort at
Fri Dec 7 13:22:23 EST 2007

Kristina Anderson wrote:
> The previous programmers neglected to properly handle apostrophes and 
> there are many text strings displayed in the .swf files, unfortunately 
> what exists now is that whenever an apostrophe occurs, it cuts off the 
> rest of the string.
> One thing that I tried was to go into the MySQL database itself and 
> add the escape character before the apostrophes, this resulted in the 
> display of the encoded HTML for the apostrophe and not the actual 
> apostrophe.  

Well, it sounds like the apostrophe was properly escaped when placed 
into the MySQL database.  If it is escaped, it doesn't store the escape 
charector in the database, it stores it as it is.

What I'm guessing you need to do is escape/convert the apostrophe for 

At a guess, since Flash is so HTML centric, try converting the ' to '

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