[nycphp-talk] Do you use Pretty URLs

Cliff Hirsch cliff at
Tue Dec 11 17:31:41 EST 2007

>> many of you use ³pretty urls²? If you do, how do you do it? With a
>> Framework (Cake, Symphony, Zend, etc.) that you are using? Rolled your own?
>> Via php or mod_rewrite? Thoughts and ideas for introducing pretty urls into
>> an existing application (i.e. can¹t jump into a new Framework for a legacy
>> app)?
> Perhaps it would be better to say its a legacy app up front so people
> don't waste time posting about routing in frameworks like symfony...?
> I would imagine mod_rewrite rules are probably your best bet.

Good point. LEGACY APPLICATION. Many of us don't have the luxury of
completely porting an existing application to a modern framework, but do
have the wherewithal to potentially bolt in a pretty url module or parts of
a front-end controller.

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