[nycphp-talk] Do you use Pretty URLs

David Krings ramons at
Thu Dec 13 13:09:50 EST 2007

Cliff Hirsch wrote:
  > You bring up a good point. Perhaps the place to begin is the beginning,
> which is, "what is the point and benefit." Things I have heard:
> 3. Security. Hides the file.php and param names.
>    Yeah, but I hope you are not solely relying on security by obscurity

Sin't changing the server's directive for passing on php files better? Name 
your file .whoknowswhat and have that get sent to the PHP interpreter...or 
pull everything through the interpreter and use no file extensions at all. And 
for the parameters, don't use GET.
I agree, there are better means to achieve security and even my proposals are 


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