[nycphp-talk] More questions about working with forms

Donald J Organ IV dorgan at
Thu Dec 13 16:10:07 EST 2007

Yes, just remember to unserialize it when you want to use it.

Ben Sgro wrote:
> Hello,
> Can you serialize the object and stick it in the $_SESSION?
> - Ben
> Tony Furnivall wrote:
>> Thanks to those who replied earlier. I've moved on a little, and now 
>> am wondering how to make an object 'persist' between activations of 
>> an action script, associated with a button on the form.
>> The model I have (the common thread of most replies) is something 
>> like this (not in php, but in reasonably self-evident pseudo code):
>> (firsttime) is determined by a test of the $_POST variables, or in 
>> some similar way
>> if (firsttime) then
>>     showform and wait for action script {this script} to re-activate
>> else
>>     edit form data and build error stack
>>     showform along with error stack and wait for next action
>> end
>> I can get this to work fine if I'm not using an object, but if I 
>> create an object on the (firsttime) path, it disappears between then 
>> and the next activation.
>> The object includes not only the functions to build the form display, 
>> but also the editing and error-stack management functions (no 
>> multiple inheritance :-().
>> Is it as simple as stashing away the object in a hidden field? or 
>> maybe in some $_SESSION variable?
>> Thanks for any help!
>> Tony
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