[nycphp-talk] gzip compressed sites

Michael Sims jellicle at
Fri Feb 2 09:32:06 EST 2007

On February 2, 2007, Marcin Szkudlarek wrote:

> 1. Is there a way to check in the browser if the page i'm currently
> viewing was compressed?

If you view the response headers of the page, you'll see something like:

Content-Type: text/html; charset=UTF-8
Content-Encoding: gzip
Transfer-Encoding: chunked
Cache-Control: no-cache,no-store
Date: Fri, 02 Feb 2007 14:28:05 GMT

The second line tells you (and the web browser) that the page is gzipped.

> 2. Is there a way I can check out the size of the original web page
> and the compressed one (which is actually send over the network) ?

If you install the Web Developer extension for Firefox, there's a selection 
called View Document Size.  Here's a sample from that output:

Documents (1 file)	3 kb (17 kb uncompressed)
Images (6 files)	1 kb
Objects (0 files)	
Scripts (1 file)	1 kb (18 kb uncompressed)
Style Sheets (9 files)	31 kb
Total	36 kb (67 kb uncompressed)

Pretty handy, yes?

Michael Sims

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