[nycphp-talk] testing a theory

csnyder chsnyder at
Wed Feb 7 11:35:44 EST 2007

On 2/6/07, Paul Houle <paul at> wrote:
> Urb LeJeune wrote:
> >
> > It's called a "here document" structure and can include variables.
> >
> > One note of caution. There can be no spaces at the end of either the
> > first or second "Content" and the last one must begin in column one.
> >
>     That's one reason I don't like here variables.  People mash them up
> and I have to fix them.

Amen to that. One auto-indent on that file and everything is toast.

> use something like
> <? q($var) ?> to
> insert a variable

Depending on what q() does (output or return?) it might be more
natural to use <?=q($var)?>. Usually in the context of templates I
like to see functions returning so that output is completely under my

Chris Snyder

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