[nycphp-talk] testing a theory

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Wed Feb 7 11:42:59 EST 2007

Thanks Brian, that's a helpful example to get me going.


On Feb 7, 2007, at 11:31 AM, Brian Dailey wrote:

> The easiest way (I would think) is to run them both in a loop. Run  
> option 1 1000 times, and record the start time and end time, output  
> the total time it took to run it. Do the same with option 2 and  
> compare the results.
> - Brian
> Aaron Fischer wrote:
>> How would one test something like this?  Testing for performance  
>> is something I would like to start doing but I don't know where/ 
>> how to start.
>> -Aaron
>> On Feb 7, 2007, at 11:05 AM, tedd wrote:
>>> No offense meant, but when I have a question like that, I test it  
>>> and find out. Why ask the list for something you could test  
>>> yourself?
>>> tedd
>>> At 6:39 PM -0500 2/6/07, Adrian Noland wrote:
>>>> Hi, I have a quick (and probably silly) question. Is there  
>>>> performance
>>>> difference between the following two snippets. Does it make a
>>>> difference if there are hundreds+ of lines?
>>>> <?php
>>>> $content = "this is the start of a bunch of lines";
>>>> $content .= "another line";
>>>> $content .= "yet another";
>>>> echo $content;
>>>> ?>
>>>> vs.
>>>> <?php
>>>> echo "this is the start of a bunch of lines";
>>>> echo "another line";
>>>> echo "yet another";
>>>> ?>

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