[nycphp-talk] Upcoming Month of PHP Bugs

michael lists at
Tue Feb 20 19:05:28 EST 2007

On Tue, 20 Feb 2007 18:59:24 -0500
csnyder <chsnyder at> wrote:

> So apparently we're in for a treat in March (as if daylight savings
> time wasn't enough) as Stefan Esser will be publicizing a laundry list
> of active vulnerabilities in PHP, one or more for each day of the
> month.
> Here's somebody who had been working with the core developers to try
> to get these things fixed, but has been frustrated to the point of
> resorting to a "Month of Bugs" style publicity stunt. If what he says
> is true, about overflows and other bugs being ignored, that's a pretty
> major breakdown in quality control.
> I don't know C, and I would have no idea what to look for in doing an
> audit of PHP (the language) itself. But it seems (from Ilia's comments
> anyway) that such an audit is long overdue.
> So now I have to wonder, do IBM and Yahoo deploy stock PHP binaries?
> Or do they carry out their own internal audits to discover and patch
> the sloppier parts of the codebase?
> -- 
> Chris Snyder

Thanks for the heads up, Chris.

It may be a good idea to have a look at his Suhosin patch.. before the
March Madness.



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