[nycphp-talk] speed problems in OO PHP4

Robyn Overstreet robynover at
Wed Feb 21 12:02:26 EST 2007

Thanks for the responses ...

On 2/20/07, Mark Armendariz <enolists at> wrote:
> How is the script continually processing?  Do you mean that the page still
> seems to be loading in a browser or the server processes are still going?

It's the first thing. The page loads but the browser appears to still
be loading -- the progress bar is active -- though it does eventually

The only images or media elements on the page are very small icons and
background gradients which seem to load fine.

> If it's continually loading in the browser, Jiju is on.  I ran into this
> quite a bit with a faulty mod-rewrite which was actually loading a copy of
> the site for every image, css and javascript file call.  Even when I fixed
> that it ended up
> doing the same for any 404's.  That was an Enormous hit on the server (large
> project with quite a few heavy oo classes).
> If it's on the server and you're using apache, my first suggestion is to run
> php in cgi mode if at all possible.  Switching from mod to cgi made it
> easier to tell 'who' was hogging everything, since php runs separately (can
> monitor the php executable to see when it stops)
> Also, look into xdebug's automated profiling, which is incredibly helpful -
> think firebug for your server.  Use KCacheGrind (linux only) or
> WinCacheGrind (Win32) to process xdebug's logs.  That'll tell you Exactly
> where all the time is going - which functions, which classes, etc.

I'm having a hard time gettting xdebug installed. Any other ideas for profiling?

Thanks again

> Mark Armendariz
> > -----Original Message-----
> > From: talk-bounces at
> > [mailto:talk-bounces at] On Behalf Of Robyn Overstreet
> > Sent: Tuesday, February 20, 2007 7:33 PM
> > To: NYPHP Talk
> > Subject: [nycphp-talk] speed problems in OO PHP4
> >
> > I'm not sure where to start with this one, because I'm so
> > stumped. I'm working on an application which uses many
> > different class files (a database class, an abstract object
> > class, and several classes that inherit from it, etc) and
> > it's running really, really slowly. I've timed many parts of
> > the code, but still can't isolate the hangups. It doesn't
> > seem to be the database queries themselves. I thought it
> > might be the amount of processing it takes to include all the
> > external class files. I tried using PEAR Cache_Lite, but
> > there seemed to be no significant speed increase. One strange
> > thing I notice is that the script appears to continue
> > processing after all elements on the page are correctly displayed.
> >
> > Any ideas or strategies for optimization/debugging?
> >
> > Thanks-
> > Robyn
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