[nycphp-talk] CAKE Ain't Soup!

Brian Dailey support at
Mon Jan 8 16:13:41 EST 2007

"Maybe the answer is you're both right -- you CakePHP master bakers, and
you detractors who bash it for want of documentation. It's great and
marvelous and wonderful, and harder than hell for people who need a 
little more hand-holding."

I've had six years of experience in the IT industry, starting out with 
Java and eventually going to PHP about two and a half years ago. The 
lack of documentation doesn't just affect n00bs.

David Mintz wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Jan 2007, Jon Baer wrote:
>> I think that people coming from procedural PHP tend to have a harder
>> time getting into MVC styled programming.  Especially if a complete
>> framework is the very next thing they look @ without OO programing.[...]
> Yes.
> Speaking as a sort of perpetual semi-pro dilettante with a
> non-programming-related day job, I think I can understand this issue.
> CakePHP can make you weep -- with joy. You do a couple things and BANG!
> It's working. I have stared at the screen, jaws agape, and said holy f__ I
> can't believe it. Wow. I was so pleased, I gave them all $23.47 that
> happened to be in my PayPal account.
> Then again, if you are a lowly foot soldier and not really that
> experienced and/or not that clever, CakePHP has the ability to make you
> weep. You want to do one simple thing that isn't exactly a CRUD operation
> on something that isn't quite your run-of-the-mill entity like the good
> old Blog entry of tutorial fame, and suddenly it's so absurdly hard -- or
> else you're just not getting it, in which case it's still absurdly hard --
> and there you are contorting and sweating until you just say f__ it and
> decide you're better off doing it by hand after all.
> Maybe the answer is you're both right -- you CakePHP master bakers, and
> you detractors who bash it for want of documentation. It's great and
> marvelous and wonderful, and harder than hell for people who need a little
> more hand-holding.
> PS to Nate, nice to see some appreciation for Cole Porter/Ol' Blue Eyes!
> ---
> David Mintz
> En Nueva York el tr�nsito de la belleza a la desolaci�n sucede
> siempre expeditivamente, como si el principio universal
> de m�xima eficiencia hubiera aconsejado la supresi�n de
> gradaciones intermedias.
>   -- Antonio Mu�oz Molina, Ventanas de Manhattan
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