[nycphp-talk] Followup: Going weekly rate for php developer/coder in NYC these days?

Hans C. Kaspersetz hans at
Thu Jan 18 12:12:43 EST 2007


Your looking for talent?  Hmm...... I guess I am for hire.  When can I 
start?  My current employer is a real jerk.  Makes me work for the money 
he pays me.  ;)


Chris Shiflett wrote:
> Edward Potter wrote:
>> Ok, just to keep everyone up to date, based on interviews to date,
>> the going rate for a 6 month contract with someone with a solid
>> php/developer background/graduate degree in IT right now seems to
>> top out out $60/hr based on a 6 month contract.
> Doing some math in reverse:
> $60 / 2.4 = $25
> $25/hour = $50,000/year
> Therefore, $60/hour as a consultant is approximately equivalent to
> $50,000/year as a full-time employee with benefits, and that's assuming
> about 40 billable hours a week. $50,000/year for someone with a graduate
> degree should not be the "top."
> If you're a PHP developer who might consider a new career with a company
> that values its staff, OmniTI ( is always looking
> for good people. We offer fair salaries and a positive learning
> environment for people who are passionate about what they do.
> More to the point, the market is hungry for good PHP developers. Like
> many companies, we're having a tough time finding enough good people. I
> really don't like hearing about talented people not being given respect,
> as past discussions have probably revealed. :-)
> Chris

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