[nycphp-talk] Re: OT: menu ...

R. Mariotti r.mariotti at
Thu Jan 18 16:13:14 EST 2007

>> Fellow PHP'ers:
>> Most of my web based application menus are accomplished using css 
>> only and they usually suffice.  I have a requirement to insert a 2nd 
>> level on some of the items.  I've been looking at js examples for 
>> such things for a couple of days now and I'm no further ahead.
> One of the best sites I've come across that has many examples of CCS 
> based menus is 
> Listamatic  <>. Check 
> out the links to other sites on that page also.
> If you want to go all the way to Javascript, you might want to look 
> into the Yahoo Developer User Interface 
> <>, especially the menu interface 
> <>.
> Ken 

Thanks for the quick reply, Ken!

The Listamatic seems to contain just about everything I was asking for.

Thanks again for a time (and frustration) saver...


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