[nycphp-talk] Zend Framework 1.0 released

David Mintz david at
Mon Jul 2 13:21:29 EDT 2007

That's just one of a number of things that some people are upset about. And
it does have its learning curve, and there are some apparent oddities that I
do not grok. And yet, still, in my ever so humble opinion, this is the FW
that looks most promising. The MVC is idiot-simple to set up, and it's easy
to take pieces a la carte -- you aren't bound to adopt a whole monolithic
package. Of course lots of FWs claim this flexibility but this one really
does seem pretty loose. The documentation, while not bug-free or beyond
criticism, is extensive and detailed. There are lots of tasty classes with
tons of power and convenience.  I like.

On 7/2/07, Jon Baer <jonbaer at> wrote:
> I have a tiny small gripe about it, look @ all the things which are left
> in the incubator folder ...
> Im all for showcasing new stuff but it should be out of the !core! distro
> to avoid confusion and temptation to use.
>  public function __construct($date, $locale, $parameter)
>     {
>         throw new Zend_Date_Exception('Calendar class yet not
> implemented... will be done when Zend_Date is ready!');
>     }
> I was not expecting that folder to be there when I downloaded the release,
> I had hoped they would have been ready to use.
> - Jon
> On Jul 2, 2007, at 10:24 AM, David Mintz wrote:
> I suppose you guys have already heard about this:
> but I haven't seen anything about on this list yet.
> --
> David Mintz
> "Our universe is just one of those things that happens from time to time."
>     --- an unidentified cosmologist
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David Mintz

"Our universe is just one of those things that happens from time to time."
    --- an unidentified cosmologist
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