[nycphp-talk] SQL question

Mark Armendariz lists at
Mon Jul 23 16:36:08 EDT 2007

David Krings wrote:
> Rob Marscher wrote:
>>   s.StoryboardID
>>> FROM cupscourses c
>>   LEFT JOIN cupsmodules m ON m.CourseID = c.CourseID
>>   LEFT JOIN cupslessons l ON l.ModuleID = m.ModuleID
>>   LEFT JOIN cupspages p ON p.LessonID = l.LessonID
>>   LEFT JOIN cupsstoryboards s ON s.PageID = p.PageID
>> WHERE c.CourseID = 23
>> ORDER BY m.Module_Position, l.Lesson_Position, p.Page_Position
> Dingdingding! The left join really did the trick and I now get what I 
> expect to get. So, I guess now that I got this settled I better learn 
> what a left join is in case someone asks me to explain my code. :) 
Sorry I didn't get back in sooner, but it looks as though Rob took care 
of business.

Glad it all worked out...


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