[nycphp-talk] The page you are tring to view contains POSTDATA ...

Michael B Allen mba2000 at
Sun Jun 3 18:50:35 EDT 2007

Good Afternoon NYPHP Talk,

If you hit the browser's Back button after submitted POST, that dialog
box pops up that reads:

 "The page you are trying to view contains POSTDATA ... To resend the
 data hit Ok. Otherwise hit Cancel."

The way I see it, this message box must NEVER appear on a professional
site. It makes no sense [1].

For most things I can use GET. Fine. But to submit forms with GET it
seems to me that would require some questionable JavaScript to build a
URL from the form field elements. Does anyone condone such a thing?

What do you recommend for avoiding that stupid POSTDATA dialog box?


[1] and it should have been removed from browsers a long time ago since
you can catch and ignore redundant POSTs (but that's a different rant).

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