[nycphp-talk] POSTDATA and back/resubmit revisited

Chris Shiflett shiflett at
Mon Jun 11 11:57:14 EDT 2007

Cliff Hirsch wrote:
> Header redirects seem to solve the back/resubmit problem, but create
> duplicate processing on the server side and generally add session
> overhead. For a successful form submission, the “thanks redirect”
> probably need to grab data again. For a bad form submission, the
> postdata probably needs to be stored in a session to be echo’d back.

I might be wrong, but these comments make me think you misinterpreted
the article.

1. Why is there any duplicate processing?

2. What is the basis of your concern regarding session overhead? You can
persist data in cookies, if it's really a concern.

3. What is a thanks redirect, and why must it grab data again?

4. If a form submission is deemed bad, you can opt to display the form
again with the errors noted, but the 302 redirect is the only way to
prevent the back / forward warning.


Chris Shiflett

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