[nycphp-talk] problem: session variables disappear after redirection

Michael Southwell michael.southwell at
Wed Jun 13 21:29:46 EDT 2007

Here is a baffling problem that piggybacks in a sense on recent
discussions about form handling.  The situation is this:

I have a form which submits to a processor script. The processor
writes the post variables into the session and checks for correctness.
If there is a problem, it redirects to the form which is preloaded
from the session, and we start over again. If there is no problem, the
processor redirects to a thanks page which pulls the submitted
information out of the session and sends it via email and says
"thanks" to the submitter.

This works perfectly for everybody except two out of about 400 people.
Unfortunately one of those two is an officer of the organization.

I have determined that, even for these two people, the processor does
indeed receive the post variables and does indeed write them into the
session. But (for those two people, and only for them) when we get to
the thanks page, the session information is somehow lost in the course
of the redirection, and so the email is sent with blank information.

The two people for whom this is happening are both on Macs, and both
experience the problem with both Safari and Firefox. Other Mac users
with either browser have no problem.

Can anyone imagine or suggest what might be happening here?

Michael Southwell, Vice President for Education
New York PHP - In-depth PHP Training Courses

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