[nycphp-talk] Sorry

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Fri Jun 15 15:51:36 EDT 2007


All of the lists that I am on (except one) have the reply set to go  
to the list.  The one list that sends replies to the person who posts  
is annoying and (to me) does not seem to be a logical process.


On Jun 15, 2007, at 3:41 PM, Allen Shaw wrote:

> Actually, I like the fact that Reply goes to the list.  Usually if  
> I'm replying I want it to go to the group, and it kind of seems  
> like that's how a group should work: by default you send to the  
> group, and sending off-list is a special case (which is why people  
> actually specify "contact me off-list" if that's what they want).

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