[nycphp-talk] RegExp Assistance

Aaron Fischer agfische at
Thu Mar 1 11:49:00 EST 2007

Gotcha.  Thanks Chris, I'll take a look at Cal's pattern.  =)

BTW, big props for your book.  It's been extremely helpful.


On Mar 1, 2007, at 11:25 AM, Chris Shiflett wrote:

> Hi Aaron,
>> I use the regexp from Chris's Essential PHP Security book:
> Cool. :-)
> I actually prefer Cal Henderson's pattern, because he meticulously
> crafted it from the RFC, and it's still reasonably short. The one  
> in my
> book works well, but it's slightly more lenient than necessary.
> If/when I write a second edition, I'll likely point readers to Cal's
> pattern or perform the same exercise.

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