[nycphp-talk] Open source forum suggestion

Alvaro P. apg88zx at
Thu Mar 8 12:51:23 EST 2007

I did have that problem on my website, the CAPTCHA, or image 
verification, that comes by default doesn't do anything against bots.
I use this extension: 
for the image verification, I haven't had bots since I implemented it. 
(Yes, humans have registered since.)


Pete Czech - New Possibilities Group, LLC wrote:
> Hey all, long time lurker...
> I've had problems keeping bots out of phpbb (have tried all sorts of 
> extensions).  vBulletin, no issues.  Have they gone after that in 
> version 3?  Other than the bots, I like that system much more than vb.
> Cheers,
> Pete Czech

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