[nycphp-talk] One more question about Friendly URLS

Rob Marscher rmarscher at
Thu Mar 8 13:48:12 EST 2007

On Mar 8, 2007, at 1:40 PM, Chris Shiflett wrote:
> No, an absolute path is different than a relative path. It represents
> the same path regardless of the location of the current resource.

Yeah... just to clarify further:

Absolute path:

Relative path that will start at whatever comes after your domain  
(i.e. it's still relative to the domain):

Relative path that starts after the request uri:

I'm not positive on this... but I think an addition advantage of  
relative urls (in addition to not needing to know the domain) is that  
the browser will reuse the same http connection.  Can anyone verify  
that off the top of their head?


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